Australia Skilled Occupation List



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Australia Skilled Occupation List (SOL): Know your eligible occupation in Australia

 The Australia Skilled Occupation List includes a list of highly demanded occupations in Australia's various regions and states. Individuals who are eligible for any specific occupation to work or train in can apply for an Australia PR visa

Technicians and Trade Workers, and Professional occupations (health, engineering, information communication technology (ICT) and science roles) have the highest shortages, particularly in regional and remote areas.

The Skilled Occupation List of Australia is essential for all the candidates of the skilled immigration category to Australia. A person must select and nominate an occupation to qualify for an Australian PR Visa.

They must ensure that the chosen occupation is related to their work experience. Choosing the correct occupation from the Skilled Occupation List increases the chances of an Australian PR Visa application being approved. 

Australia is a diverse and enchanted country known for its Aboriginal culture, lush rainforests, tropical beaches, and much more. Economically, it has a wide range of industries operating all over Australia's states and territories.

For job seekers, Australia has various professional and industry qualifications that help them find a job.

Australia Skilled Occupation List (SOL) 

This list is mainly for qualified and skilled workers looking for long-term and short-term jobs in Australia. The combined list of short-term and long-term occupations are given below:

  • ANZSCO: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations categorizes occupations and jobs based on skills. It helps to tackle profit in the Australian labour market and provides information about the qualifications and experiences a job needs.
  • The evaluation authority for skills assessment.
  • Identify if the occupation is included in the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), and Regional Occupation List (ROL). 
  • A situation excludes the use of occupations in particular circumstances. It only applies to the ENS Direct entry stream and TSS visa. 

If a person holds a Skilled visa, they will not be impacted by the removal of any occupation from the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.

The only exception is if there is a change in the application and if they change their occupation or employer that no longer exists in the combined list, then it will impact the visa holder.

If a person’s visa or nomination is pending, it will also not affect the changes made in the Skilled Occupation List. 

Advantages of Skilled Occupations List: 

  • The list contains high-demand occupations from all over the country.
  • Occupations of the workers who want to immigrate through the Skilled Worker Stream must be present in this list.
  • The government of Australia identifies the need for labour and employment in the market and publishes the list accordingly.
  • The occupation list is current and changes according to the market's needs.
  • This list helps improve Australia's economy and employs many work-seeking workers. 

In-demand jobs in Australia:

Some of the in-demand jobs in Australia are listed below: 

  • Construction Manager 
  • Civil Engineering Professionals
  • Early childhood teachers
  • Registered Nurses
  • Business and System analysts
  • Software and application programmers
  • Electricians
  • Childcare workers

Australia PR Visa:

Various types of visas are available for skilled and qualified individuals who can work or train in any occupation on the Skilled Occupations List.

  • Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa, Subclass 186
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa, Subclass 187
  • Skilled Independent visa, Subclass 189
  • Skilled Nominated visa, Subclass 190
  • Training visa, Subclass 407
  • Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, Subclass 482
  • Temporary Graduate visa, Subclass 485
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa, Subclass 489
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa, Subclass 491
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa, Subclass 494

Various subcategories under the Australian PR visa help skilled workers immigrate to Australia.

  • Skilled Independent visa, Subclass 189: This category invites skilled workers to live and work in Australia without any eligible sponsor or nominator. However, the applicant must be invited to apply and should be under 45. 
  • Skilled Nominated visa, Subclass 190: With this visa, an individual can work and study anywhere in Australia and sponsor their eligible relatives or family members to become permanent residents. 

The applicant must have an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List, pass the skills assessment for the occupation, and be invited to apply for this visa. 

With this visa, a person can stay in Australia for five years, live, work, or study in Australia's chosen state or territory, and travel as many times from Australia as possible while the visa is valid. After three years, they can apply for permanent residency.

Why Stark Visas?

Stark Visas deals with many visas, including Permanent resident (PR), tourist, work permit, study, etc. The best immigration consultant provides consultants and visas for countries such as Australia, Canada, the UK, Europe, and many more countries. 

Stark Visas will guide you throughout the process and help you obtain the visa of your choice. 

Read these FAQs

What is a good salary in Australia?

Since the average weekly ordinary earnings for Australians in 2023 is $1,838.10, anything around this figure would be considered a good salary.

What skills are in shortage in Australia?

Technicians and Trade Workers, and Professional occupations (health, engineering, information communication technology (ICT) and science roles) have the highest shortages, particularly in regional and remote areas.

What are the top 3 most popular jobs in Australia?

Health care, retail, construction and education employed the most people across Australia.

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