Quebec Regular Skilled Workers Program



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Quebec Regular Skilled Workers Program : a gateway to economic stability

Quebec's rich history, safe environment, and economic stability make it an attraction point for potential immigrants. By 2024, the Quebec government plans to welcome around 60,000 immigrants. They have also been working on promoting Quebec as a tourist spot and hub for working professionals. 

Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP) is a program operated by the province of Quebec for working professionals in certain occupations. 

RSWP points assessment 

The RSWP point assessment can be done through the Arrima online portal. If the individual receives the required score, then he or she can apply through the portal. 

Through the Arrima profile

  • The Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Frenchization, and Integration (MIFI) introduced the Arrima online portal to facilitate the management of applications for the Regular Skilled Worker (RSWP) program.
  •  In order to apply to the program, one should fill out the Expression of Interest (EOI) form online. This form asks about the candidate's training program, employment history, educational background, and language skills.
  • The employment background plays a pivotal role in the program score. 

Eligibility criteria table for applying through Arrima profile  




(Without Spouse)


(With Spouse)























Criteria for Expression of Interest (EOI) 

To submit an EOI form, there are three main criteria to qualify- 

  • Age - Anyone above the age of 18 qualifies to submit an EOI. The medical condition of the person should be in good condition.
  • Evaluation of education- Any degree a person holds outside the province of Quebec will be evaluated accordingly. Additionally, the degree must have been completed within five years before submitting an application for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. If not, the prospective immigrant must have worked for at least 12 months in the five years before filing their application in a particular field. The subfields of education are listed below- 


  • unchecked General high school diploma - 2 points
  • uncheckedVocational high school diploma - 6 points
  • uncheckedGeneral postsecondary school diploma (full-time for 2 years) - 4 points
  • unchecked  Technical postsecondary school diploma (full-time for 1 year) - 6 points
  • uncheckedTechnical postsecondary school diploma (full-time for 2 years) - 6 points
  • unchecked Technical postsecondary school diploma in section A or B training area (full-time for 1 or 2 years) - 10 points
  • uncheckedTechnical postsecondary school diploma (full-time for 3 years) - 8 points
  • unchecked Technical postsecondary school diploma in section A or B training area (full-time for 3 years) - 10 points
  • unchecked Undergraduate degree (full-time for 1+ years) - 4 points
  • unchecked Undergraduate degree (full-time for 2+ years) - 6 points
  • unchecked Undergraduate degree (full-time for 3+ years) - 10 points
  • uncheckedMaster's degree - 12 points
  • uncheckedDoctorate - 16 points
  • Job profile - The length of the professional experience will add up to the points reaching a maximum score of 100. 

Procedure for applying for CSQ 

  • “Two point system” is used by Quebec's Regular Skilled Worker Program to decide who can submit an Arrima profile and who is asked to apply for permanent selection.
  • To apply for CSQ, an individual will receive an additional score if they are able to submit an Arrima profile. Based on the score, the Quebec authorities dealing with the process will compare candidates and will decide on who gets invited to apply for a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ). 


Granting of Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) 

There are two steps in the procedure of applying for Quebec immigration. The first one is selection at the provincial level and the second one is application at federal level. Both the steps are obligatory. Once an individual gets Certificat de sélection du Québec, they get selected for the application process. 


Pilot Programs offered under Quebec RSWP

Pilot programs are offered to three different types of workers - 

1.For Food Processing Workers- This experimental initiative allows temporary workers in the food processing industry to settle in Québec permanently. 

2.  For Orderlies - If you are a temporary foreign worker who is an orderly in Québec, this trial program will allow you to settle in Québec permanently.

3. Workers in the Artificial Intelligence, IT, and Visual Effects sector- AI is a growing sector and significantly contributes to the economy of Québec. If a worker has contributed to the AI or effect sector, they can settle in Québec permanently if they specify the program's conditions. 


French language- a necessity for Quebec RSWP?

  • Being fluent in French is necessary for effective career integration in Quebec. It is essential for many job prospects in the province, as it allows efficient communication with clients and coworkers.
  • Beyond the workplace, communicating in French is essential for communication in daily life. 
  • But, the level of proficiency required depends on the program under which one has registered.
  • Candidates for the RSWP must demonstrate a certain degree of French language proficiency:
  • Adult candidates with jobs at NOC skill levels 0, 1, or 2 should demonstrate level 5 written and level 7 oral proficiency.
  • Adult candidates who work in a vocation requiring NOC skill levels 3, 4, or 5 must exhibit level 5 oral competency.

Read these FAQs

Who is eligible for the Quebec skilled worker program?

To qualify for immigration to Canada as a Quebec-selected skilled worker, a solo applicant must score at least 50 points.

What is the regular skilled worker program?

The Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP) is for you if you wish to immigrate to Québec permanently to work.

Can I apply for PR in Quebec without French?

While knowledge of French can give you additional points in the QSWP, it is not a mandatory requirement.

How long does it take to get PR in Quebec?

Most applications for permanent selection in the PEQ are processed within 6 months.

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